Eagle & Condor Prophecy Gathering

June 20-21
Manitoba, Canada

More About Eagle & Condor Prophecy Gathering

Uniting the Human Family Sacred Gathering lead by Indigenous Nations of Turtle Island and Abya Yala (North, Central, and South America).

Gizhewaadiziwin (The Way of the Great Spirit)

The Gizhewaadiziwin Blessed Anishinaabe name was given by Respected Elder Fred Kelly.

Gizhewaadiziwin welcomes all nations and cultures of the four directions to honor the sacred diversity of life by cultivating a positive relationship among people to restore and celebrate our interconnection with all life on Mother Earth as we heal generations. This event brings together indigenous elders and Knowledge Keepers, spiritual and cultural leaders, and visionaries to share messages that bring awareness and the importance of essential universal values that the world needs in these times such as diversity inclusion, mutual respect, and collaboration to lead a Good Way of Life for the well-being of humanity. The vision of this gathering is to light the hearts of individuals and awaken the One Human Family collective consciousness to create a positive future for the next generations to come.

The Eagle and Condor Prophecy

The Eagle represents the Northern Hemisphere and the Condor the Southern Hemisphere of the planet. The Eagle and Condor Prophecy will reunite nations from the four directions of the world. From a union deep in the hearts of the Eagle and Condor will grow a mutual collaboration and renew our relationship with Mother Earth. This would signal a new time where healing and purification will take place, to restore balance with the awakening of humanity.

The Prophecy Speaks of the Potential, So it’s up to us to activate this potential and ensure that the new Consciousness emerges

Event Photos